Welcome to the NIGHTS – Stadt nach Acht 2019 – conference ! Following the logic of the four thematic pillar night time economy, culture, prevention & safety and urban planning, this panel will bring together night and festival activists and conference guests from all over the world to start the conference with a discussion around the most pressing topics related to festivals and the nocturnal city of today. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
A regulated succession of day and night creates this natural cycle. If this succession is influenced by artificial light sources, the natural equilibrium of sleeping and waking phases gets mixed up. Abnormalities are especially prevalent in cities and within the “nocturnal” risk group involved in the creative arts. However, such risk-patterns shift with the influence of new technologies such as LEDs. Nowadays, researchers are more interested in the high proportion of blue light in LED technology, which has been connected to sleep disturbances and the risk of retinal detachment, and is referred to as “Blue Light Hazard”. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Hardly a week goes by without stories about drug use making headlines in the media. This coverage often leads to confusion among experts and politicians alike - but what is the reality? Which substances are consumed by night-time and festival revellers? Are cocaine, amphetamines and ecstasy still in? Or have these substances been replaced by synthetic cathinones (eg. 3-MMC), or new empathogens such as 6-APB, ketamine, and methamphetamines? Is the concentration of MDMA and the purity of cocaine still on the rise? And what’s the news concerning cutting agents? This panel brings together varying perspectives, providing a complementary view of substance use in the night. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Im Rahmen des Labs werden die Ansätze aus Berlin und Hamburg miteinander verglichen und geschaut wo die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede liegen. Handelt es sich um konkurrierende Modelle oder kann der neue Ansatz aus Berlin als Ergänzung verstanden werden? View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
One of the many aspects of awareness in club culture is accessibility for people with special needs like wheelchairs. As often, clubs have been conquering buildings which haven't been set up for this purpose. Many of them are not ready for barrier-free access. But re-designing the building is expensive and sometimes impossible. To force clubs to implement a barrier-free accessibility would force many clubs to shut down completely. How can we find ways to not exclude those who cannot get inside those venues without external help while simultaneously preserving existing club culture from being eliminated in significant parts? What kind of alternative ideas and services exist to overcome barriers of construction? Are there some solutions easy to be implemented - for complicated problems? View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Night advocacy is necessary to defend the human right to dance @ night. Over the past years, several approaches - such as the night mayor, czar and commission - were developed to defend this right around the world. But is there any evidence related to the night advocacy approach? What are the results achieved by the advocates of the night? It’s time to focus on actual studies and to talk about the key findings. Let’s create the needed evidence for night advocacy approaches. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Das Panel diskutiert, welche Strategien es gibt, dem Druck gegen Rechts etwas entgegen zu setzen. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
With the liberalisation of retail-related ordinances, round-the-clock availability of cheap alcohol has become a major topic, especially when the discussion concerns littering and violence in public spaces. The increased availability is also often regarded as grounds for excessive intoxication, which may often end in hospital visits. But are restrictions of the nocturnal sale of alcohol a useful tool when relieving public spaces of such concerns, or when limiting alcohol poisoning? This panel will focus on expertise from cities with nocturnal alcohol regulations while integrating some general reflection from nightlife culture on this topic. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
More and more cities in Europe are suffering from mass tourism. A phenomenon which is not only associated with attractive nightlife culture but often reinforced by the local clubs and festivals. Where is the balance between tourism as an important economic factor, as club or festival visitor and mass tourism under which the urban population suffers? Let’s start this discussion, with experts from different European regions and cities at the NIGHTS – Stadt Nach Acht – conference 2019. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Especially “nocturnal” places in the city suffer from the myth of dark corners where dangerous characters lie in wait. How can these nocturnal spaces be better illuminated, as to improve the safety and quality of stay? View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Zahlen sind nicht Alles. Doch wie kann man sich dem Phänomen Ausgehen auch empirisch annähern? Welche sozioökonomischen Facetten des Abend- und Nachtlebens können quantitativ eingeordnet werden? Wie kann mittels Kennzahlen die Relevanz des Themenfelds für die Stadt- und Stadtentwicklungspolitik untermauert werden? Präsentiert werden aktuelle Studien, Gutachten und Erhebungen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
The term “Drug Checking” refers to a service which integrates the analyses of mostly illegal substances, together with personal support and consultation for recreational drug users. The communication of results and the publication of alerts and warnings are of great importance when regarding the harm reduction potential of such services. This laboratory invites Drug Checking experts to reflect upon how results and alerts should be better communicated and published, making them more easily available for specific target groups. View Details
Location: Yaam Lab Space
The use of alcohol is part of European nightlife culture. Bars serve as important places to socialize and consume alcohol during the night. Is there any knowledge about the problems related to this use? Are bars, when compared to public spaces, safe drinking places? What does a “safe bar” look like? This panel brings together varying expertise and study results with the aim of reflecting on how and if bars can be safe places for drinking alcohol at night. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
International Night Ambassadors, Night Mayors and other representatives of administrative rsp. formal nightlife structures discuss common strategies and international networking activities. View Details
Location: Yaam Lab Space
Nowadays, lighting and more modern technologies offer many new design possibilities for urban illumination, which still play an important role in the image of these cities. We will discuss how these possibilities are implemented, how light can be political, and how we can narrate our city in this panel. View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Wir sprechen mit erfolgreichen Unternehmerinnen über ihre Erfahrungen, Wünsche und Angebote an all diejenigen, die sich auch im Nightlife eine stärkere Durchmischung der Geschlechter wünschen. Wie akzeptiert sind weibliche Chefs unter den Belegschaften und wie ist ihre Sicht auf die Kolleginnen in einer exponierten und sehr individuellen Community von den Nacht-Gestalten, die als kreative Macherinnen für die Kultur der Nacht verantworten? View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
A panel about sex-positive parties, safer use and how to create a safe environment for the lustful aspects of nightlife. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Showcase im Diskomobil "Fette Elke": TorkelT (political / critical Rap) aus Berlin. Sadt Nach Acht präsentiert damit zugleich das Projekt "Fette Elke" Des Rock Gegen rechts e.V. aus Stralsund. Ziel des Projektes ist es, urbanes Nachtleben auch in abgelegenen Regionen anbieten zu können und diese vor Allem für junge Menschen attraktiver zu machen. Des weiteren sollen bereits bestehende demokratische Projekte und Aktionen unterstützt werden indem die Fette Elke deren kulturelles Angebot erweitert. Dadurch soll die Ausbreitung rechtsradikaler Jugendsubkultur in ländlichen Regionen eingedämmt werden. View Details
Location: Yaam, Outside Area
The focus in this panel lies (among other things) on the difference between stage lighting - which lends the performers or musicians a certain atmosphere - and club lighting - in which the space itself becomes the stage. How can various lighting situations be shaped, and what should be taken note of in the process? What effect does light have on people in attendance, and how can light assist in the dance or trance-related perception of the dancers? View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
This panel invites cultural acteurs od various eastern European countries to explain and discuss their experiences performing in the crosslines of politics, society and culture. How do this developments influence questions of a safer nightlife and a national drug policy? View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Be part of the fourth public meeting of European and international night advocates. Listen to important topics and have the unique opportunity to ask questions of the representatives present at this laboratory. This side event is open to the public. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Es kommt Bewegung in eine längst überfällige Debatte: Die Bundestagsfraktionen von LINKEN und GRÜNEN arbeiten und fordern in jüngsten Anträgen im Deutschen Bundestag an einer geänderten Einstufung von Clubs in der Baunutzungsverordnung, welche kulturelle und künstlerische Zwecke verfolgen. Künftig sollten diese Musikspielstätten als sogenannte Anlagen für kulturelle und soziale Zwecke eingestuft und nicht mehr als Vergnügungsstätten behandelt werden. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
This salon-style event within the side program of the Stadt Nach Acht conference focusses on psychedelic substances which seems to have a renaissance these days. In a more entertaining but still very grounded atmosphere, we are trying to interconnect personal experiences after the consumption of psychedelic substances for pleasure with questions and methods of a therapeutical use. Still, there is also a quite risky side with several short- and long-term effects. How dangerous is micro-dosing? What valuable and life-changing potential is endangered by self-declared shamans who are surfing on top of a rising wave of psychedelic desires amongst urban intellectuals willing to increase their personal abilities? How much potential is seen in the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances and when will we find a balanced approach to it? View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Looking back to 70 Years No Curfew. Short film „Stadt Ohne Morgen” screening premiere. Reading: Short extract from the biography of Heinz Zellermayer by Milton Welsh, Berlin (DE). View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Club light conforms to the composition of the rooms and the musical orientation of the venue. It varies from the classic, flexible event lighting - which can hold up to a diverse and alternating events programme - or anywhere from a reduced or minimalistic atmosphere right up to the creation of elaborate fairytale worlds. In this tour, our participants will have the opportunity to take a closer look at the current state of light design in Berliner clubs, as pertaining to a specific spatial and atmosphere-oriented experience. During an approximately three-hour tour, three clubs will be visited, and their unique design approaches - from elaborate technical installations to artistic do-it-yourself constructions - will be discussed. These will be introduced on-site, and their techniques - and potentially their programming - will be explained. Together with the participants, we will discuss the synaesthesia between music, light and spatial experiences. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
As the night itself is a much too little researched timeframe, this combined sound and light walk also contributes to the general production of knowledge about the night. View Details
Location: Start at YAAM entrance (gate), An der Schillingbrücke 3, 10243 Berlin
This fresh 4 piece combo is based in Berlin, ready to bring their own take on roots and bass to the stage. Mixing the best and rare musical gems in all things dub related with live trumpet and vocals as well as live dubbing every Acid Dub Foundation set celebrates the diversity in bass music. View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
Experimentelle und besondere Orte der Nacht verschwinden ersatzlos, die Spirale der Gentrifizierung dreht sich immer weiter. Lässt sich dieses angebliche Dogma der ‚modernen’ Stadtentwicklung durchbrechen? Wie lassen sich bestehende Orte bewahren? Können erfolgreiche Orte urbaner Musikkultur neu entstehen, auch an anderer Stelle? Wie müssen Eigentümer und Betreiber zusammenarbeiten? View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Of cause, you can talk endlessly about psychedelic substances and there impact on thousands of topics like medicinal and spiritual practises, f.e. in dementia care, about their therapeutic use to reduce inhibitions and self-criticism, about the inspiring aspects on enthusiasm for creative exploration or about resetting fears through the visual effects of psychedelics - as well as their role in development of religions, cults and rituals. And many many more. We try to do that in 90 minutes! Take a journey into psychotropics and our second conference day with some inspiring lectures and discussions! View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
The term Drug Checking refers to a service which integrates the analyses of mostly illegal substances, together with personal support and consultation for recreational drug users. The first Drug Checking services were established 30years a go. At the begin often ridiculed as idea of freaks for, criticized as a drug use promotion instrument. Today Drug Checking becomes more and more recognised as important harm reduction and monitoring instrument. This panel will focus on the actual development, on the reflection on which this change of paradigm, is based. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Vor dem Hintergrund einer äußerst dynamischen und nicht absehbaren Entwicklung des stationären Einzelhandels und eines zunehmenden Wohnnutzungsdrucks auf kernstädtische Lagen soll dargestellt werden, welchen Beitrag eine attraktive Abend- und Nachtökonomie für die „Wiederentdeckung“ der Innenstadt nicht nur als räumliches Zentrum, sondern auch als ideelle und kulturelle Mitte der Stadtgesellschaft leisten kann. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
Mit diesem ca. 15 minütigen Dokumentarfilm möchten wir gemeinsam mit Kulturschaffenden und Insider*Innen aus der Szene der Frage nachgehen, inwiefern die Abschaffung der Sperrstunde das Berliner Nachtleben auch in der Gegenwart prägt und warum gerade das ein kulturelles Alleinstellungsmerkmal für die Stadt ist. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
This panel is to give us an update about the different activities which can be filed as "Rave Culture Under Pressure" around the globe. Well, at least some important and exemplary spotlights of these... View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
Info-Lab zu Möglicheiten der Förderung von Clubs, Spielstätten, Konzerten und Festivals in Berlin und Deutschland. View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
Ketamine is a substance with an emerging impact on the electronic music and party scene. While many other substances like GBL, LSD, Cannabis, Cocaine, MDMA etc. are pretty well explored and discussed already, a closer look on Ketamine isn't on a broad agenda. As a conference within a conference, Stadt Nach Acht invites some specialist for a double feature on Ketamine - The KETA Conference, as we call it. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Vor dem Hintergrund der äußerst dynamischen und nicht absehbaren Entwicklung des stationären Einzelhandels und eines zunehmenden Wohnnutzungsdrucks auf kernstädtische Lagen soll die Frage diskutiert werden, welchen Beitrag eine attraktive Abend- und Nachtökonomie für die „Wiederentdeckung“ der Innenstadt nicht nur als räumliches Zentrum, sondern auch als ideelle und kulturelle Mitte der Stadtgesellschaft leisten kann. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
Im neuen Koalitionsvertrag der Landesregierung Brandenburg ist zu lesen: „Die Koalition wird Brandenburg zum Land der Festivals machen. Die Koalition wird die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Festivals überprüfen und gegebenenfalls anpassen.“ Wir sprechen mit Vertreter*innen der Regierungsparteien sowie Festivalveranstalter*innen über diese gesetzten Ziele und hinterfragen in diesem Zusammenhang die derzeitigen Rahmenbedingungen für die Festivalszene in Brandenburg. Welchen Herausforderungen werden wir uns stellen und welche Strukturen müssen geschaffen werden? Wie sieht die Zukunft der Festivals im Land Brandenburg aus? View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Ramona Pop im Gespräch über Clubkultur, Gewerbemieten und die Zukunft der nächtlichen Stadt. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
More and more European Cities are starting to recognize the loss of cultural identity and the urgent demands for the return of free space. To do so, various projects and researches are taking place to examine the possibilities of realising such spaces. During this panel, the pioneering panellists are representing the current developments and approaches surrounding the topic `of Spaces of Urgency and the realisation of unbureaucratic spaces for self-organized culture in the cities of Amsterdam, Berlin and Vienna. What are the bottlenecks when it comes to realising such spaces and how can institutions support top-down processes that meant to to protect self-organisation in our cities? View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Over the years, the use of Ketamine has become increasingly popular. In some European countries - especially Italy and France - Ketamine is one of the main substances used at night clubs and festivals. Also, Berlin is known as “Keta City”. It’s time to focus on this development and to reflect upon questions related to this increased consumption. What is the reason behind wider distribution of this substance? What makes Ketamine so popular as a party drug? Which Ketamine-related problems, prevention and medical services are addressed in practice? Does this trend have an influence on the music played in clubs and at festivals? View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Music is not only leisure or entertainment. Music is a cultural activity and is imbued with meaning. Music is understood to be a social construct, and its associated activities and rituals, including dance and storytelling, have greater value than leisure alone. Any future environmental noise regulation must safeguard the cultural rights to live music and artistic freedom. The WHO "Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region" are suggesting to treat music and club culture on the same level than noise from construction sites and street traffic. Moreover, current technical possibilities of seperating zones of loudness and silence are not part of the WHO discussion which also might lead to unnecessary regulations on issues which can easily be defused by contemporary technical measurements already. How can we reject this perspective in order to save our cultural music heritage - which includes drastic forms of artistic expression - from Richard Wagner to Einstürzende Neubauten? View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
Festivals sind Utopien, Gegenorte, Experimentierfelder. Für kurze Zeit entstehen kleine Dörfer und ganz andere Art- und Weisen des Zusammenarbeitens, Zusammenlebens, kreativen Schaffens und Gestaltens. In diesem Lab, möchten wir überlegen, welche positiven Effekte wir von Festivals und ihrer Produktion mit in den Alltag und unsere Gesellschaft nehmen und in wie weit eine Festivalkultur eine Gegenkultur sein kann. View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
Clubs and events are playing an important role when it comes to the attractiveness of cities today. This is not only about city marketing in a global contest, economic and cultural factors, it is also about the wellbeing of the citizens. But is there a city marketing that respects the night culture in its peculiarity? And the consideration is given to the various interests? Exactly these questions should be in the focus of this panel discussion about night time economy, city marketing, club and event culture. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Excursion: With the help of the Noise Emission Fund, an Active Noise Cancelling system was established at the outside floor of the club IPSE, eliminating all unwanted frequencies and waveforms. In an individual and technically innovative approach, a small audio company has developed a highly convincing solution which allows a full range sound on the open-air dancefloor, while a couple of meters away from the sources you soundwise hardly would guess there's a massive party going on next to you. Besides an intelligent and complex solution for the bass, a four-meter wide sound horn has been installed for the higher frequencies. We're going for a short ride to IPSE club to see it all live and in colours! View Details
Location: Meeting Point: Yaam Main Entrance (Gate)
Many harms associated with MDMA use in nightlife settings - such as adulteration and unpredictable potency - are the result of illegal supply rather than the effects of MDMA per se. Drugs checking and harm reduction services have gone some way to reducing such risks, but there is now a growing public debate around the possibility of legal regulated MDMA supply as a longer-term solution. As cannabis regulation has become a reality, political space is now opening for wider drug market reforms. But if some form of regulated supply of MDMA is to be part of future harm reduction approaches there are important questions; How might it work in practice? and what are the possible risks? Join the panel to explore the next potential frontier of drug harm reduction. View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Social media outlets serve as important channels of communication when spreading harm reduction and prevention messages to a younger target group. During the last few years several new tools were developed in Europe. However, the success of these tools is not only related to the technology, design and content; some have seen censorship from YouTube and Facebook and have been blocked on these platforms. For this reason, the panel will not only focus on the latest developments regarding the use of social media tools, but will also talk about how to deal with censorship policies of the major global players. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
The d&b NoizCalc software enables system designers to model and assess noise immission issues in the far field. To ensure the results are reliable, NoizCalc includes all complex data concerning the addition and subtraction of sound waves including phase information to describe the combination and interaction effects within a loudspeaker system consisting of multiple line arrays, subwoofer arrays and delay systems. The objective is to establish a greater awareness of all the factors which can influence solutions that conform with local and international rules and standards. The ultimate intention being to keep live events alive; delighting audiences while respecting the neighbours. View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
Das Zusammenspiel von Nachtleben und nächtlicher Mobilität bildet nicht nur ein spannendes Forschungsfeld, sondern betrifft jeden von uns auch im Alltag. Nur durch ein attraktives, zuverlässiges und sicheres Mobilitätsangebot bei Nacht können Menschen aus den Vororten und anderen Stadtteilen die Angebote der Abend- und Nachtökonomie nutzen. View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
One of the main reasons to go out is to have a good time surrounded by other people, to meet new people and to find a fellow for the night. Not only since the #metoo initiative, sexual harassment at night and festivals has become more and more a topic. As socialising with others, it’s one of the most important reason to visit a club or a festival, the focus of this panel will be on different European activities to prevent sexual harassment. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Braucht Berlin eine Raumagenur, die potenziell nutzbare Räume identifiziert, die einerseits für Kunst und Kultur interessant, andererseits auch im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Nutzungsinteressen sinnvoll sein können? View Details
Location: Holzmarkt, LaSalle
Wie kann die Clubszene klimafreundlich und sozial verträglich gestaltet werden? Wann und wie werden Clubbetreiber*innen aktiv? Und kann man Clubgäste für das Thema begeistern? Antworten auf diese Fragen haben drei wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zur Berliner Clubszene gesucht und gefunden. Die Ergebnisse stellen Katharina Wolf, Hanna Mauksch und Konstanze Meyer vor und anschließend zur Diskussion. Georg Kössler MdA, Sprecher für Umweltschutz und Clubkultur (B'90/Die Grünen) leitet durch die Session. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Some last comments from and to the Team of "Stadt Nach Acht" symposium - and a handover to our Public -Day "Frei(T)räume"-Team for the Saturday. Review the past two days of the symposium and get some appetizers for the upcoming program under the spotlights "Space & Dance of Urgency". View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
This light walk follows the aim of sharpening the perception of artificial lighting in public spaces and raising awareness of various lighting situations. During this guided tour, attention will be directed towards a wide array of artificial lighting and their mostly unperceived effects in an area near the conference venue. View Details
Location: Start at YAAM entrance (gate), An der Schillingbrücke 3, 10243 Berlin
A Different Kiss* describes creation, lust and resistance in Berlin / Weimar Republic and remixes the roaring twenties with today's visions of a free danceable life. In an experimental way, performance and lecture elements flow into a vibrant multimedia show. The focus is on Berlin and the socio-cultural developments of the time, with a special perspective on the nightlife and erotic aspects. View Details
Location: Kitkat Club
Ten Cities project brought together 50 arists from ten african & european cities. Recording sessions, collaborations, partys and concerts took place in Berlin, Bristol, Cairo, Johannesburg, Kyiv, Lagos, Lisbon, Luanda, Nairobi & Naples. The idea went on and various collaborations made their own way on records, projects & concerts and inspired artists and scenes involved. This night we´ll bring back the spirit and celebrate it with a TEN CITIES jam at Yaam Berlin. feat. Gebrüder Teichman (Noland / Berlin), DJ Sasha Perera (Jahcoozi / London) , Alai K (Ukoo Flani, Nyege Nyege Tapes/ Nairobi) and more... View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
If you think of the nineties and Berlin, you would connect this extraordinary time with techno-culture and the world-famous Love Parade. Within the "nineties berlin" exhibition, there is a special part referring to the Love Parade events - with videos, images, flyers, items, posters and more. Meet Love Parade founder Dr. Motte at the exhibition and let's have a stroll and a chat about our memories of the past - and ideas for the future... View Details
Location: Alte Münze Berlin, Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin
The exhibition project No Photos on the Dance Floor! Berlin 1989—Today documents the history of Berlin’s club scene since the fall of the Wall and brings that history to life in club nights at C/O Berlin. The exhibition was curated by guest curator Heiko Hoffmann, together with C/O Berlin’s chief curator Felix Hoffmann. View Details
Location: C/O Berlin Foundation / Amerika Haus, Hardenbergstraße 22-24, 10623 Berlin
Welcome to Frei(T)räume 2019 - the public day of Stadt Nach Acht Conference. The curators give you a brief overview of what "Dance & Space of Urgeny" is about - and what is happening over the day! View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
The talk/lab will outline why debating individual consumer behaviour will not help us out of the crisis but only lead to a further split of society. There are solutions to the climate crisis, but the political will to implement them is missing. View Details
Location: Tresor Tresor
Rapid urban development has made looking back into the history of free spaces increasingly urgent. Today, more than ever, it seems we have to remind ourselves of what a free space means. In the discussion, we will explore examples of self-organized bodies from London, Amsterdam and Berlin. Our panellists will share their memories and perspectives of these spaces; how their actions shaped cities, but also got them pushed away. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
In this workshop the Clubtopia team will give you a short introduction to sustainability in nightlife: What is the environmental impact of nightlife? How can you as a clubber become more environmentally friendly? What can clubs and event organisers do to reduce their negative impact on climate? Join the workshop to find out more and to take home practical solutions on sustainable clubbing. View Details
Location: Tresor Aurora Darkroom
Our international guests will introduce spaces and values that they have been creating the last years through dance. Dancing together created a force that gained visibility for regions and cities where they are based and reminded us of the original values of rave culture/togetherness and synchronicity. These values are disturbed World Wide. We will hear from panellists how they use dance as a way of uniting people, creating a powerful collective body and creative art and music scene. The dance of urgency is temporary, it is momentum. How to maintain values within the community and spaces for new generations and within changing social-political circumstances? View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
As part of the Happy Locals Initiative, the Detroit-Berlin Connection is a collaborative, transatlantic effort to bring together creative individuals and communities in the two cities with the goal of driving cultural and economic growth in Detroit. You can also say: A regular platform for Tresor Berlin and Underground Resistance (Detroit) to extend their common activities! View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Location: Tresor Tresor
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
The Awareness Workshop aims to provide you with basic information on the subject of discrimination and violence in the event and party context. There will be space for examination of one's own experiences (from both personal and professional context) intended to sensitize you to the topic of potential problems and designate one's own field of power and motivation to change structures towards a more attentive celebration culture. We will work on example situations to discuss solutions together, to strengthen the capability to handle them and to open a space for ideas and opportunities for change. View Details
Location: Tresor Aurora Darkroom
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
We continue with a panel that will focus on the topic and role of free space development now and in the future. What is next? After countless anti-gentrification protests, political lobbyist and free space movements, some of European Cities are starting to recognize the loss of cultural identity and the urgent demands for the return of free spaces. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Dance of urgency is a dance that rises in the time of personal and collective crises and that aim to empower individuals and groups. The term has been defined by Bogomir Doringer one of the curators of the event Freitraume. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Rave is a place that credits pure emotion is the hardest and safest space Omsk Social Club ever found ourselves to be inside. The Rave structure has continually informed our immersive role-playing practice with its collective narratives, chimaera illusion and off-world structures. Looking at living bodies, systematic codes of mutual care and the human strike Omsk Social Club continually creates works that encompass disconnection concepts and pathways for this life and the next. It forks traditional methods of Live Action Role Play (Larp) through immersive installations and into Real Game Play (RGP) to induce states that could potentially be a fiction or a yet, unlived reality. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
We often hear about Choreomania as almost a bizarre and unexplained phenomenon. "Dancing mania (also known as dancing plague, choreomania) was a social phenomenon that occurred primarily in mainland Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It involved groups of people dancing erratically sometimes thousands at a time." To ravers, such an image sounds very familiar. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
When analysing contemporary and ancient political motives behind the repression of the collective altered states of consciousness, we can see the repetition of a dynamic of polarisation between those who support the need for these spaces vs those who oppose them. In this interactive conversation with the public, we will reflect on the current systems of raving repression, concerning the latest anti rave laws in France. But also to the American "Rave Act" ( Reducing American vulnerability to Ecstasy Act 2003) the British "Repetitive Beats Act" (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994) and invite a debate on how we can become aware of the motives behind both perspectives and how to transcend the need for polarization, in order to reach a less repressive, yet safer and more conscious and mature approach to raving. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
African/American Sonic Resistance - an UR special audio-visual project by Cornelius Harris and Mark Flash (Underground Resistance) View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
All participants of Stadt Nach Acht Conference and Frei(T)räume - Dance & Space of Urgency public day are invited to come to/ stay at Tresor for our common party! View Details
Location: Tresor all areas
Welcome to the NIGHTS – Stadt nach Acht 2019 – conference ! Following the logic of the four thematic pillar night time economy, culture, prevention & safety and urban planning, this panel will bring together night and festival activists and conference guests from all over the world to start the conference with a discussion around the most pressing topics related to festivals and the nocturnal city of today. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Night advocacy is necessary to defend the human right to dance @ night. Over the past years, several approaches - such as the night mayor, czar and commission - were developed to defend this right around the world. But is there any evidence related to the night advocacy approach? What are the results achieved by the advocates of the night? It’s time to focus on actual studies and to talk about the key findings. Let’s create the needed evidence for night advocacy approaches. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
More and more cities in Europe are suffering from mass tourism. A phenomenon which is not only associated with attractive nightlife culture but often reinforced by the local clubs and festivals. Where is the balance between tourism as an important economic factor, as club or festival visitor and mass tourism under which the urban population suffers? Let’s start this discussion, with experts from different European regions and cities at the NIGHTS – Stadt Nach Acht – conference 2019. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Wir sprechen mit erfolgreichen Unternehmerinnen über ihre Erfahrungen, Wünsche und Angebote an all diejenigen, die sich auch im Nightlife eine stärkere Durchmischung der Geschlechter wünschen. Wie akzeptiert sind weibliche Chefs unter den Belegschaften und wie ist ihre Sicht auf die Kolleginnen in einer exponierten und sehr individuellen Community von den Nacht-Gestalten, die als kreative Macherinnen für die Kultur der Nacht verantworten? View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
The focus in this panel lies (among other things) on the difference between stage lighting - which lends the performers or musicians a certain atmosphere - and club lighting - in which the space itself becomes the stage. How can various lighting situations be shaped, and what should be taken note of in the process? What effect does light have on people in attendance, and how can light assist in the dance or trance-related perception of the dancers? View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Club light conforms to the composition of the rooms and the musical orientation of the venue. It varies from the classic, flexible event lighting - which can hold up to a diverse and alternating events programme - or anywhere from a reduced or minimalistic atmosphere right up to the creation of elaborate fairytale worlds. In this tour, our participants will have the opportunity to take a closer look at the current state of light design in Berliner clubs, as pertaining to a specific spatial and atmosphere-oriented experience. During an approximately three-hour tour, three clubs will be visited, and their unique design approaches - from elaborate technical installations to artistic do-it-yourself constructions - will be discussed. These will be introduced on-site, and their techniques - and potentially their programming - will be explained. Together with the participants, we will discuss the synaesthesia between music, light and spatial experiences. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
The term Drug Checking refers to a service which integrates the analyses of mostly illegal substances, together with personal support and consultation for recreational drug users. The first Drug Checking services were established 30years a go. At the begin often ridiculed as idea of freaks for, criticized as a drug use promotion instrument. Today Drug Checking becomes more and more recognised as important harm reduction and monitoring instrument. This panel will focus on the actual development, on the reflection on which this change of paradigm, is based. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Mit diesem ca. 15 minütigen Dokumentarfilm möchten wir gemeinsam mit Kulturschaffenden und Insider*Innen aus der Szene der Frage nachgehen, inwiefern die Abschaffung der Sperrstunde das Berliner Nachtleben auch in der Gegenwart prägt und warum gerade das ein kulturelles Alleinstellungsmerkmal für die Stadt ist. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
This panel is to give us an update about the different activities which can be filed as "Rave Culture Under Pressure" around the globe. Well, at least some important and exemplary spotlights of these... View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
More and more European Cities are starting to recognize the loss of cultural identity and the urgent demands for the return of free space. To do so, various projects and researches are taking place to examine the possibilities of realising such spaces. During this panel, the pioneering panellists are representing the current developments and approaches surrounding the topic `of Spaces of Urgency and the realisation of unbureaucratic spaces for self-organized culture in the cities of Amsterdam, Berlin and Vienna. What are the bottlenecks when it comes to realising such spaces and how can institutions support top-down processes that meant to to protect self-organisation in our cities? View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Some last comments from and to the Team of "Stadt Nach Acht" symposium - and a handover to our Public -Day "Frei(T)räume"-Team for the Saturday. Review the past two days of the symposium and get some appetizers for the upcoming program under the spotlights "Space & Dance of Urgency". View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Ten Cities project brought together 50 arists from ten african & european cities. Recording sessions, collaborations, partys and concerts took place in Berlin, Bristol, Cairo, Johannesburg, Kyiv, Lagos, Lisbon, Luanda, Nairobi & Naples. The idea went on and various collaborations made their own way on records, projects & concerts and inspired artists and scenes involved. This night we´ll bring back the spirit and celebrate it with a TEN CITIES jam at Yaam Berlin. feat. Gebrüder Teichman (Noland / Berlin), DJ Sasha Perera (Jahcoozi / London) , Alai K (Ukoo Flani, Nyege Nyege Tapes/ Nairobi) and more... View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
A regulated succession of day and night creates this natural cycle. If this succession is influenced by artificial light sources, the natural equilibrium of sleeping and waking phases gets mixed up. Abnormalities are especially prevalent in cities and within the “nocturnal” risk group involved in the creative arts. However, such risk-patterns shift with the influence of new technologies such as LEDs. Nowadays, researchers are more interested in the high proportion of blue light in LED technology, which has been connected to sleep disturbances and the risk of retinal detachment, and is referred to as “Blue Light Hazard”. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Especially “nocturnal” places in the city suffer from the myth of dark corners where dangerous characters lie in wait. How can these nocturnal spaces be better illuminated, as to improve the safety and quality of stay? View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Nowadays, lighting and more modern technologies offer many new design possibilities for urban illumination, which still play an important role in the image of these cities. We will discuss how these possibilities are implemented, how light can be political, and how we can narrate our city in this panel. View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
This panel invites cultural acteurs od various eastern European countries to explain and discuss their experiences performing in the crosslines of politics, society and culture. How do this developments influence questions of a safer nightlife and a national drug policy? View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
This fresh 4 piece combo is based in Berlin, ready to bring their own take on roots and bass to the stage. Mixing the best and rare musical gems in all things dub related with live trumpet and vocals as well as live dubbing every Acid Dub Foundation set celebrates the diversity in bass music. View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
Of cause, you can talk endlessly about psychedelic substances and there impact on thousands of topics like medicinal and spiritual practises, f.e. in dementia care, about their therapeutic use to reduce inhibitions and self-criticism, about the inspiring aspects on enthusiasm for creative exploration or about resetting fears through the visual effects of psychedelics - as well as their role in development of religions, cults and rituals. And many many more. We try to do that in 90 minutes! Take a journey into psychotropics and our second conference day with some inspiring lectures and discussions! View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Im neuen Koalitionsvertrag der Landesregierung Brandenburg ist zu lesen: „Die Koalition wird Brandenburg zum Land der Festivals machen. Die Koalition wird die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Festivals überprüfen und gegebenenfalls anpassen.“ Wir sprechen mit Vertreter*innen der Regierungsparteien sowie Festivalveranstalter*innen über diese gesetzten Ziele und hinterfragen in diesem Zusammenhang die derzeitigen Rahmenbedingungen für die Festivalszene in Brandenburg. Welchen Herausforderungen werden wir uns stellen und welche Strukturen müssen geschaffen werden? Wie sieht die Zukunft der Festivals im Land Brandenburg aus? View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Many harms associated with MDMA use in nightlife settings - such as adulteration and unpredictable potency - are the result of illegal supply rather than the effects of MDMA per se. Drugs checking and harm reduction services have gone some way to reducing such risks, but there is now a growing public debate around the possibility of legal regulated MDMA supply as a longer-term solution. As cannabis regulation has become a reality, political space is now opening for wider drug market reforms. But if some form of regulated supply of MDMA is to be part of future harm reduction approaches there are important questions; How might it work in practice? and what are the possible risks? Join the panel to explore the next potential frontier of drug harm reduction. View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
Das Zusammenspiel von Nachtleben und nächtlicher Mobilität bildet nicht nur ein spannendes Forschungsfeld, sondern betrifft jeden von uns auch im Alltag. Nur durch ein attraktives, zuverlässiges und sicheres Mobilitätsangebot bei Nacht können Menschen aus den Vororten und anderen Stadtteilen die Angebote der Abend- und Nachtökonomie nutzen. View Details
Location: Yaam Sound System Floor
One of the many aspects of awareness in club culture is accessibility for people with special needs like wheelchairs. As often, clubs have been conquering buildings which haven't been set up for this purpose. Many of them are not ready for barrier-free access. But re-designing the building is expensive and sometimes impossible. To force clubs to implement a barrier-free accessibility would force many clubs to shut down completely. How can we find ways to not exclude those who cannot get inside those venues without external help while simultaneously preserving existing club culture from being eliminated in significant parts? What kind of alternative ideas and services exist to overcome barriers of construction? Are there some solutions easy to be implemented - for complicated problems? View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Das Panel diskutiert, welche Strategien es gibt, dem Druck gegen Rechts etwas entgegen zu setzen. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
A panel about sex-positive parties, safer use and how to create a safe environment for the lustful aspects of nightlife. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
This salon-style event within the side program of the Stadt Nach Acht conference focusses on psychedelic substances which seems to have a renaissance these days. In a more entertaining but still very grounded atmosphere, we are trying to interconnect personal experiences after the consumption of psychedelic substances for pleasure with questions and methods of a therapeutical use. Still, there is also a quite risky side with several short- and long-term effects. How dangerous is micro-dosing? What valuable and life-changing potential is endangered by self-declared shamans who are surfing on top of a rising wave of psychedelic desires amongst urban intellectuals willing to increase their personal abilities? How much potential is seen in the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances and when will we find a balanced approach to it? View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Ketamine is a substance with an emerging impact on the electronic music and party scene. While many other substances like GBL, LSD, Cannabis, Cocaine, MDMA etc. are pretty well explored and discussed already, a closer look on Ketamine isn't on a broad agenda. As a conference within a conference, Stadt Nach Acht invites some specialist for a double feature on Ketamine - The KETA Conference, as we call it. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Over the years, the use of Ketamine has become increasingly popular. In some European countries - especially Italy and France - Ketamine is one of the main substances used at night clubs and festivals. Also, Berlin is known as “Keta City”. It’s time to focus on this development and to reflect upon questions related to this increased consumption. What is the reason behind wider distribution of this substance? What makes Ketamine so popular as a party drug? Which Ketamine-related problems, prevention and medical services are addressed in practice? Does this trend have an influence on the music played in clubs and at festivals? View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Social media outlets serve as important channels of communication when spreading harm reduction and prevention messages to a younger target group. During the last few years several new tools were developed in Europe. However, the success of these tools is not only related to the technology, design and content; some have seen censorship from YouTube and Facebook and have been blocked on these platforms. For this reason, the panel will not only focus on the latest developments regarding the use of social media tools, but will also talk about how to deal with censorship policies of the major global players. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Wie kann die Clubszene klimafreundlich und sozial verträglich gestaltet werden? Wann und wie werden Clubbetreiber*innen aktiv? Und kann man Clubgäste für das Thema begeistern? Antworten auf diese Fragen haben drei wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zur Berliner Clubszene gesucht und gefunden. Die Ergebnisse stellen Katharina Wolf, Hanna Mauksch und Konstanze Meyer vor und anschließend zur Diskussion. Georg Kössler MdA, Sprecher für Umweltschutz und Clubkultur (B'90/Die Grünen) leitet durch die Session. View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Im Rahmen des Labs werden die Ansätze aus Berlin und Hamburg miteinander verglichen und geschaut wo die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede liegen. Handelt es sich um konkurrierende Modelle oder kann der neue Ansatz aus Berlin als Ergänzung verstanden werden? View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
The term “Drug Checking” refers to a service which integrates the analyses of mostly illegal substances, together with personal support and consultation for recreational drug users. The communication of results and the publication of alerts and warnings are of great importance when regarding the harm reduction potential of such services. This laboratory invites Drug Checking experts to reflect upon how results and alerts should be better communicated and published, making them more easily available for specific target groups. View Details
Location: Yaam Lab Space
International Night Ambassadors, Night Mayors and other representatives of administrative rsp. formal nightlife structures discuss common strategies and international networking activities. View Details
Location: Yaam Lab Space
Info-Lab zu Möglicheiten der Förderung von Clubs, Spielstätten, Konzerten und Festivals in Berlin und Deutschland. View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
Festivals sind Utopien, Gegenorte, Experimentierfelder. Für kurze Zeit entstehen kleine Dörfer und ganz andere Art- und Weisen des Zusammenarbeitens, Zusammenlebens, kreativen Schaffens und Gestaltens. In diesem Lab, möchten wir überlegen, welche positiven Effekte wir von Festivals und ihrer Produktion mit in den Alltag und unsere Gesellschaft nehmen und in wie weit eine Festivalkultur eine Gegenkultur sein kann. View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
The d&b NoizCalc software enables system designers to model and assess noise immission issues in the far field. To ensure the results are reliable, NoizCalc includes all complex data concerning the addition and subtraction of sound waves including phase information to describe the combination and interaction effects within a loudspeaker system consisting of multiple line arrays, subwoofer arrays and delay systems. The objective is to establish a greater awareness of all the factors which can influence solutions that conform with local and international rules and standards. The ultimate intention being to keep live events alive; delighting audiences while respecting the neighbours. View Details
Location: Yaam Babylon Lab Space
Zahlen sind nicht Alles. Doch wie kann man sich dem Phänomen Ausgehen auch empirisch annähern? Welche sozioökonomischen Facetten des Abend- und Nachtlebens können quantitativ eingeordnet werden? Wie kann mittels Kennzahlen die Relevanz des Themenfelds für die Stadt- und Stadtentwicklungspolitik untermauert werden? Präsentiert werden aktuelle Studien, Gutachten und Erhebungen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
The use of alcohol is part of European nightlife culture. Bars serve as important places to socialize and consume alcohol during the night. Is there any knowledge about the problems related to this use? Are bars, when compared to public spaces, safe drinking places? What does a “safe bar” look like? This panel brings together varying expertise and study results with the aim of reflecting on how and if bars can be safe places for drinking alcohol at night. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
Vor dem Hintergrund einer äußerst dynamischen und nicht absehbaren Entwicklung des stationären Einzelhandels und eines zunehmenden Wohnnutzungsdrucks auf kernstädtische Lagen soll dargestellt werden, welchen Beitrag eine attraktive Abend- und Nachtökonomie für die „Wiederentdeckung“ der Innenstadt nicht nur als räumliches Zentrum, sondern auch als ideelle und kulturelle Mitte der Stadtgesellschaft leisten kann. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
Vor dem Hintergrund der äußerst dynamischen und nicht absehbaren Entwicklung des stationären Einzelhandels und eines zunehmenden Wohnnutzungsdrucks auf kernstädtische Lagen soll die Frage diskutiert werden, welchen Beitrag eine attraktive Abend- und Nachtökonomie für die „Wiederentdeckung“ der Innenstadt nicht nur als räumliches Zentrum, sondern auch als ideelle und kulturelle Mitte der Stadtgesellschaft leisten kann. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
Music is not only leisure or entertainment. Music is a cultural activity and is imbued with meaning. Music is understood to be a social construct, and its associated activities and rituals, including dance and storytelling, have greater value than leisure alone. Any future environmental noise regulation must safeguard the cultural rights to live music and artistic freedom. The WHO "Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region" are suggesting to treat music and club culture on the same level than noise from construction sites and street traffic. Moreover, current technical possibilities of seperating zones of loudness and silence are not part of the WHO discussion which also might lead to unnecessary regulations on issues which can easily be defused by contemporary technical measurements already. How can we reject this perspective in order to save our cultural music heritage - which includes drastic forms of artistic expression - from Richard Wagner to Einstürzende Neubauten? View Details
Location: Holzmarkt La Salle
Braucht Berlin eine Raumagenur, die potenziell nutzbare Räume identifiziert, die einerseits für Kunst und Kultur interessant, andererseits auch im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Nutzungsinteressen sinnvoll sein können? View Details
Location: Holzmarkt, LaSalle
Hardly a week goes by without stories about drug use making headlines in the media. This coverage often leads to confusion among experts and politicians alike - but what is the reality? Which substances are consumed by night-time and festival revellers? Are cocaine, amphetamines and ecstasy still in? Or have these substances been replaced by synthetic cathinones (eg. 3-MMC), or new empathogens such as 6-APB, ketamine, and methamphetamines? Is the concentration of MDMA and the purity of cocaine still on the rise? And what’s the news concerning cutting agents? This panel brings together varying perspectives, providing a complementary view of substance use in the night. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
With the liberalisation of retail-related ordinances, round-the-clock availability of cheap alcohol has become a major topic, especially when the discussion concerns littering and violence in public spaces. The increased availability is also often regarded as grounds for excessive intoxication, which may often end in hospital visits. But are restrictions of the nocturnal sale of alcohol a useful tool when relieving public spaces of such concerns, or when limiting alcohol poisoning? This panel will focus on expertise from cities with nocturnal alcohol regulations while integrating some general reflection from nightlife culture on this topic. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Es kommt Bewegung in eine längst überfällige Debatte: Die Bundestagsfraktionen von LINKEN und GRÜNEN arbeiten und fordern in jüngsten Anträgen im Deutschen Bundestag an einer geänderten Einstufung von Clubs in der Baunutzungsverordnung, welche kulturelle und künstlerische Zwecke verfolgen. Künftig sollten diese Musikspielstätten als sogenannte Anlagen für kulturelle und soziale Zwecke eingestuft und nicht mehr als Vergnügungsstätten behandelt werden. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Experimentelle und besondere Orte der Nacht verschwinden ersatzlos, die Spirale der Gentrifizierung dreht sich immer weiter. Lässt sich dieses angebliche Dogma der ‚modernen’ Stadtentwicklung durchbrechen? Wie lassen sich bestehende Orte bewahren? Können erfolgreiche Orte urbaner Musikkultur neu entstehen, auch an anderer Stelle? Wie müssen Eigentümer und Betreiber zusammenarbeiten? View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Ramona Pop im Gespräch über Clubkultur, Gewerbemieten und die Zukunft der nächtlichen Stadt. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Clubs and events are playing an important role when it comes to the attractiveness of cities today. This is not only about city marketing in a global contest, economic and cultural factors, it is also about the wellbeing of the citizens. But is there a city marketing that respects the night culture in its peculiarity? And the consideration is given to the various interests? Exactly these questions should be in the focus of this panel discussion about night time economy, city marketing, club and event culture. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
One of the main reasons to go out is to have a good time surrounded by other people, to meet new people and to find a fellow for the night. Not only since the #metoo initiative, sexual harassment at night and festivals has become more and more a topic. As socialising with others, it’s one of the most important reason to visit a club or a festival, the focus of this panel will be on different European activities to prevent sexual harassment. View Details
Location: Holzmarkt Artistenhalle
Looking back to 70 Years No Curfew. Short film „Stadt Ohne Morgen” screening premiere. Reading: Short extract from the biography of Heinz Zellermayer by Milton Welsh, Berlin (DE). View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Welcome to Frei(T)räume 2019 - the public day of Stadt Nach Acht Conference. The curators give you a brief overview of what "Dance & Space of Urgeny" is about - and what is happening over the day! View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Rapid urban development has made looking back into the history of free spaces increasingly urgent. Today, more than ever, it seems we have to remind ourselves of what a free space means. In the discussion, we will explore examples of self-organized bodies from London, Amsterdam and Berlin. Our panellists will share their memories and perspectives of these spaces; how their actions shaped cities, but also got them pushed away. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Our international guests will introduce spaces and values that they have been creating the last years through dance. Dancing together created a force that gained visibility for regions and cities where they are based and reminded us of the original values of rave culture/togetherness and synchronicity. These values are disturbed World Wide. We will hear from panellists how they use dance as a way of uniting people, creating a powerful collective body and creative art and music scene. The dance of urgency is temporary, it is momentum. How to maintain values within the community and spaces for new generations and within changing social-political circumstances? View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
As part of the Happy Locals Initiative, the Detroit-Berlin Connection is a collaborative, transatlantic effort to bring together creative individuals and communities in the two cities with the goal of driving cultural and economic growth in Detroit. You can also say: A regular platform for Tresor Berlin and Underground Resistance (Detroit) to extend their common activities! View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Dance of urgency is a dance that rises in the time of personal and collective crises and that aim to empower individuals and groups. The term has been defined by Bogomir Doringer one of the curators of the event Freitraume. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Rave is a place that credits pure emotion is the hardest and safest space Omsk Social Club ever found ourselves to be inside. The Rave structure has continually informed our immersive role-playing practice with its collective narratives, chimaera illusion and off-world structures. Looking at living bodies, systematic codes of mutual care and the human strike Omsk Social Club continually creates works that encompass disconnection concepts and pathways for this life and the next. It forks traditional methods of Live Action Role Play (Larp) through immersive installations and into Real Game Play (RGP) to induce states that could potentially be a fiction or a yet, unlived reality. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
We often hear about Choreomania as almost a bizarre and unexplained phenomenon. "Dancing mania (also known as dancing plague, choreomania) was a social phenomenon that occurred primarily in mainland Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It involved groups of people dancing erratically sometimes thousands at a time." To ravers, such an image sounds very familiar. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
When analysing contemporary and ancient political motives behind the repression of the collective altered states of consciousness, we can see the repetition of a dynamic of polarisation between those who support the need for these spaces vs those who oppose them. In this interactive conversation with the public, we will reflect on the current systems of raving repression, concerning the latest anti rave laws in France. But also to the American "Rave Act" ( Reducing American vulnerability to Ecstasy Act 2003) the British "Repetitive Beats Act" (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994) and invite a debate on how we can become aware of the motives behind both perspectives and how to transcend the need for polarization, in order to reach a less repressive, yet safer and more conscious and mature approach to raving. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
African/American Sonic Resistance - an UR special audio-visual project by Cornelius Harris and Mark Flash (Underground Resistance) View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
15 min Visual presentation | 45 Min Dj Set View Details
Location: Tresor Plus4Bar
In this workshop the Clubtopia team will give you a short introduction to sustainability in nightlife: What is the environmental impact of nightlife? How can you as a clubber become more environmentally friendly? What can clubs and event organisers do to reduce their negative impact on climate? Join the workshop to find out more and to take home practical solutions on sustainable clubbing. View Details
Location: Tresor Aurora Darkroom
The Awareness Workshop aims to provide you with basic information on the subject of discrimination and violence in the event and party context. There will be space for examination of one's own experiences (from both personal and professional context) intended to sensitize you to the topic of potential problems and designate one's own field of power and motivation to change structures towards a more attentive celebration culture. We will work on example situations to discuss solutions together, to strengthen the capability to handle them and to open a space for ideas and opportunities for change. View Details
Location: Tresor Aurora Darkroom
We continue with a panel that will focus on the topic and role of free space development now and in the future. What is next? After countless anti-gentrification protests, political lobbyist and free space movements, some of European Cities are starting to recognize the loss of cultural identity and the urgent demands for the return of free spaces. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
The talk/lab will outline why debating individual consumer behaviour will not help us out of the crisis but only lead to a further split of society. There are solutions to the climate crisis, but the political will to implement them is missing. View Details
Location: Tresor Tresor
Location: Tresor Tresor
! On Invitation Only | Nur auf Einladung! Am Vorabend der Stadt Nach Acht findet dieses Jahr in Berlin die alljährliche Verleihung des „APPLAUS – Auszeichnung der Programmplanung unabhängiger Spielstätten“ an Clubbetreiber*innen und Veranstalter*innen durch die Beauftragte für Kultur und Medien der Bundesregierung statt. Die Initiative Musik realisiert den Spielstättenprogrammpreis unter Einbeziehung der Bundeskonferenz Jazz und der LiveMusikKommission – Verband der Musikspielstätten in Deutschland e.V. View Details
Location: Festsaal Kreuzberg, Am Flutgraben 2, 12435 Berlin
Showcase im Diskomobil "Fette Elke": TorkelT (political / critical Rap) aus Berlin. Sadt Nach Acht präsentiert damit zugleich das Projekt "Fette Elke" Des Rock Gegen rechts e.V. aus Stralsund. Ziel des Projektes ist es, urbanes Nachtleben auch in abgelegenen Regionen anbieten zu können und diese vor Allem für junge Menschen attraktiver zu machen. Des weiteren sollen bereits bestehende demokratische Projekte und Aktionen unterstützt werden indem die Fette Elke deren kulturelles Angebot erweitert. Dadurch soll die Ausbreitung rechtsradikaler Jugendsubkultur in ländlichen Regionen eingedämmt werden. View Details
Location: Yaam, Outside Area
Be part of the fourth public meeting of European and international night advocates. Listen to important topics and have the unique opportunity to ask questions of the representatives present at this laboratory. This side event is open to the public. View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
This salon-style event within the side program of the Stadt Nach Acht conference focusses on psychedelic substances which seems to have a renaissance these days. In a more entertaining but still very grounded atmosphere, we are trying to interconnect personal experiences after the consumption of psychedelic substances for pleasure with questions and methods of a therapeutical use. Still, there is also a quite risky side with several short- and long-term effects. How dangerous is micro-dosing? What valuable and life-changing potential is endangered by self-declared shamans who are surfing on top of a rising wave of psychedelic desires amongst urban intellectuals willing to increase their personal abilities? How much potential is seen in the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances and when will we find a balanced approach to it? View Details
Location: Yaam Sub Stage
Looking back to 70 Years No Curfew. Short film „Stadt Ohne Morgen” screening premiere. Reading: Short extract from the biography of Heinz Zellermayer by Milton Welsh, Berlin (DE). View Details
Location: Tresor Globus
Club light conforms to the composition of the rooms and the musical orientation of the venue. It varies from the classic, flexible event lighting - which can hold up to a diverse and alternating events programme - or anywhere from a reduced or minimalistic atmosphere right up to the creation of elaborate fairytale worlds. In this tour, our participants will have the opportunity to take a closer look at the current state of light design in Berliner clubs, as pertaining to a specific spatial and atmosphere-oriented experience. During an approximately three-hour tour, three clubs will be visited, and their unique design approaches - from elaborate technical installations to artistic do-it-yourself constructions - will be discussed. These will be introduced on-site, and their techniques - and potentially their programming - will be explained. Together with the participants, we will discuss the synaesthesia between music, light and spatial experiences. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
As the night itself is a much too little researched timeframe, this combined sound and light walk also contributes to the general production of knowledge about the night. View Details
Location: Start at YAAM entrance (gate), An der Schillingbrücke 3, 10243 Berlin
This fresh 4 piece combo is based in Berlin, ready to bring their own take on roots and bass to the stage. Mixing the best and rare musical gems in all things dub related with live trumpet and vocals as well as live dubbing every Acid Dub Foundation set celebrates the diversity in bass music. View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
Mit diesem ca. 15 minütigen Dokumentarfilm möchten wir gemeinsam mit Kulturschaffenden und Insider*Innen aus der Szene der Frage nachgehen, inwiefern die Abschaffung der Sperrstunde das Berliner Nachtleben auch in der Gegenwart prägt und warum gerade das ein kulturelles Alleinstellungsmerkmal für die Stadt ist. View Details
Location: Yaam Main Stage
Excursion: With the help of the Noise Emission Fund, an Active Noise Cancelling system was established at the outside floor of the club IPSE, eliminating all unwanted frequencies and waveforms. In an individual and technically innovative approach, a small audio company has developed a highly convincing solution which allows a full range sound on the open-air dancefloor, while a couple of meters away from the sources you soundwise hardly would guess there's a massive party going on next to you. Besides an intelligent and complex solution for the bass, a four-meter wide sound horn has been installed for the higher frequencies. We're going for a short ride to IPSE club to see it all live and in colours! View Details
Location: Meeting Point: Yaam Main Entrance (Gate)
This light walk follows the aim of sharpening the perception of artificial lighting in public spaces and raising awareness of various lighting situations. During this guided tour, attention will be directed towards a wide array of artificial lighting and their mostly unperceived effects in an area near the conference venue. View Details
Location: Start at YAAM entrance (gate), An der Schillingbrücke 3, 10243 Berlin
A Different Kiss* describes creation, lust and resistance in Berlin / Weimar Republic and remixes the roaring twenties with today's visions of a free danceable life. In an experimental way, performance and lecture elements flow into a vibrant multimedia show. The focus is on Berlin and the socio-cultural developments of the time, with a special perspective on the nightlife and erotic aspects. View Details
Location: Kitkat Club
Ten Cities project brought together 50 arists from ten african & european cities. Recording sessions, collaborations, partys and concerts took place in Berlin, Bristol, Cairo, Johannesburg, Kyiv, Lagos, Lisbon, Luanda, Nairobi & Naples. The idea went on and various collaborations made their own way on records, projects & concerts and inspired artists and scenes involved. This night we´ll bring back the spirit and celebrate it with a TEN CITIES jam at Yaam Berlin. feat. Gebrüder Teichman (Noland / Berlin), DJ Sasha Perera (Jahcoozi / London) , Alai K (Ukoo Flani, Nyege Nyege Tapes/ Nairobi) and more... View Details
Location: Yaam, Main Floor
If you think of the nineties and Berlin, you would connect this extraordinary time with techno-culture and the world-famous Love Parade. Within the "nineties berlin" exhibition, there is a special part referring to the Love Parade events - with videos, images, flyers, items, posters and more. Meet Love Parade founder Dr. Motte at the exhibition and let's have a stroll and a chat about our memories of the past - and ideas for the future... View Details
Location: Alte Münze Berlin, Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin
The exhibition project No Photos on the Dance Floor! Berlin 1989—Today documents the history of Berlin’s club scene since the fall of the Wall and brings that history to life in club nights at C/O Berlin. The exhibition was curated by guest curator Heiko Hoffmann, together with C/O Berlin’s chief curator Felix Hoffmann. View Details
Location: C/O Berlin Foundation / Amerika Haus, Hardenbergstraße 22-24, 10623 Berlin
All participants of Stadt Nach Acht Conference and Frei(T)räume - Dance & Space of Urgency public day are invited to come to/ stay at Tresor for our common party! View Details
Location: Tresor all areas