Dance of Urgency: Introduction

Dance of urgency is a dance that rises in the time of personal and collective crises and that aim to empower individuals and groups. The term has been defined by Bogomir Doringer one of the curators of the event Freitraume. Drawing from his memories of dancing during NATO bombing in Belgrade in 1999, he started research into club culture, and it’s transformative potential. How it transforms one, collective, space, cities, countries etc. Through Freitraume meetings and network created, he has been following a rise of dances with political urgency. In this part of the evening, we will look into how the dance of urgency creates a space of urgency. But also how so that dance can happen space is needed. The role of art plays an essential part in Doringer’s research and in this part of the program.


Bogomir Doringer (The University of Applied Arts Vienna)

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