Freedom to Party
30 years after Europe has overcome its divide into East and West there’s been a very diverse and highly interesting development in terms of nightlife and party culture in Eastern Europe. While in some countries partying and nightlife has become a highly political issue with large impact on society and even neighboring countries, other countries have been set clubbing and nightlife under pressure through economic exploitation of mass tourism in cities rsp. city centers or a pretty nationalistic perspective on cultural expression. This has also a large impact on questions of a safer nightlife and a national drug policy.
This panel invites cultural acteurs od various eastern European countries to explain and discuss their experiences performing in the crosslines of politics, society and culture.
Gabriel Borkowski | Daath2 PsyHelp | Budapest (HU)
Irena Molnar | ReGeneration | Youth Organisation for Drug Action in Europe | Belgrade (RS)
Ksenyia Tarasevich | Legalize Belarus | Minsk (BY)
Moderation: Iga Kender-Jeziorska | Youth Organisation for Drug Action in Europe | Corvinus University of Bu-dapest (HU)
Language: English