Accessability and awareness in transformational culture

One of the many aspects of awareness in club culture is accessibility for people with special needs like wheelchairs. As often, clubs have been conquering buildings which haven’t been set up for this purpose. Many of them are not ready for barrier-free access. But re-designing the building is expensive and sometimes impossible. To force clubs to implement a barrier-free accessibility would force many clubs to shut down completely. How can we find ways to not exclude those who cannot get inside those venues without external help while simultaneously preserving existing club culture from being eliminated in significant parts? What kind of alternative ideas and services exist to overcome barriers of construction? Are there some solutions easy to be implemented – for complicated problems?


Robbe Van Bogaert | City of Antwerp, Eventsure,  creative factory MEATPACK, The Antwerp Graffiti and Street art Museum
Katja Lucker | Musicboard Berlin
Jan Kalkoffe | Berlin
Nico Deuster | Killekill, Krake Festival Berlin
Moderation: n.n.

Language: English

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