Nico Mulder
City Marketing Strategist, amsterdam & partners | Amsterdam [NL]
Working as a city marketing strategist and consultant for Amsterdam Marketing (Amsterdam’s city marketing organisation) since 2009, Nico is a key player in the city branding and –marketing case of “I amsterdam”, a visible translation of Amsterdam’s DNA. Being the driving force behind various groundbreaking and innovative campaigns, Nico received multiple awards, including the ‘UNWTO Ulysses Award’. Recently, the launch of the ‘Enjoy & Respect’ campaign, which creates awareness on what is and isn’t allowed in Amsterdam, generated worldwide attention.
From 2013 on, Nico is a member of multiple strategic think tanks for culture, (sustainable) tourism and city marketing and -branding, like European Cities Marketing, UNWTO, Travalyst.org, WTTC and many others. He exchanges his knowledge and experiences with many cities abroad, such as New York, Barcelona, Berlin, Seoul and Casablanca.
The past years Nico specialized himself in sustainable tourism strategies and Nico is a true believer of building better sustainable and inclusive places, together, for future generations. Regarding the topics of city marketing, -branding, (sustainable) tourism and culture marketing, Nico is a renowned keynote speaker and panellist at conventions and meet-ups around the globe.