Naja Orashvili
Founder of Bassiani | Horoom | Equality Movement for LGBT/Queer rights | Tiblisi [GE]
Originally a film director and communication manager, Najas works cross over different fields of arts and civil activism. For years, she has been producing TV shows about music and cinema. She’s one of the founder / representative of Electronauts – a fund dedicated to supporting and developing electronic music and innovative pop culture in Georgia, which includes annual awards of the same name. She has been fighting for equal human rights as part of the White Noise Movement – fighting for the liberation of Georgia’s extremely strict and inhumane drug policy.
Naja is also an author of Women’s Solidarity March, a public feminist rally for gender equality and also board member of Equality Movement – for LGBT/Queer rights. Author of “System Must Be Destroyed” – a widespread youth protest rally in 2012, protesting civil inequality and requesting democratic changes in Georgia. Finally, founder and author of the concept and idea of underground techno club BASSIANI/HOROOM and author of Horoom Nights – the first and biggest Queer party series in Georgia.