Ivan March
Communications Director Guerilla Foundation | Berlin [DE]
Ivan has over ten years of experience in campaigning & movement building with a diverse mix of collectives, NGOs, philanthropic foundations & academic institutions. He has managed anti-extractive industry projects in West Africa & Latin America and worked in community organizing in India, Indonesia and South Eastern Europe.
He’s spearheaded campaigns & events for Oxfam, Greenpeace, People and Planet & Impact Hub, conducted research for the University of Cambridge and University of Göttingen, and evaluates programs for Ashoka, EPIM, Bosch & NEF. Ivan is location independent, and when not busy at work he can be found reading Emerson, Seneca or Tolstoy in a hemp hammock somewhere near a waterfall.
The Guerrilla Foundation supports activists and grassroots, social movements working towards bringing about major systemic change across Europe.