PhD Galia Tanay
Psychologist, Being Fullness, Musician, Writer | Haifa [IS]
Galia Tanay is a practitioner and teacher on the path of freedom. She spent many years in deep traditional Buddhist practice. She is a Yoga teacher who teaches Yoga therapy and emphasize the embodiment in awareness practice. Galia has a PhD in Psychology and for many years had worked with patients as well as taught and trained therapists in university and other places. Galia is a psychedelic activist and scholar/ she is a vocal artist, a musician and a writer.
Galia has spent years in deep practice and study of Buddhist meditation and texts, spending months in silent retreats in Nepal. After her long practice, Galia has pursued her PhD in clinical psychology and her academic work is focused mainly on mindfulness and its applications. Galia is teaching short and long meditation retreats in Israel and Europe. She is a vocal artist and is part of the “Sacred Moon“ group that aims at creating ceremonial spaces for vocal exploration and healing. Galia is interested in the integration of different paths of contemplative practices and is a dedicated psychedelic practitioner, scholar and activist.