Prof. Fiona Measham
Chair in Criminology at the University of Liverpool, Co-Director of The Loop UK & AU | Liverpool [GB]
Professor Fiona Measham was appointed Chair in Criminology at the University of Liverpool in 2019 and previously was Professor of Criminology at Durham University. Fiona has conducted research for three decades across a broad area of criminology and drug policy, exploring changing trends in legal and illegal drugs; the regulation and policing of drugs; gender; festivals, nightlife and the socio-cultural context to drugs; and the impact and efficacy of drug safety testing and drug detection dogs. A key feature of her work has been insitu research in leisure locations, a working environment with which she is familiar, having spent her early adulthood working in bars and clubs across several continents.
Fiona has served on numerous scientific advisory committees including previously being an appointed member to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs 2008-18; the Ministerial Review of New Psychoactive Substances;
Public Health England review of drug treatment; Liberal Democrat cannabis regulation expert panel, and currently, Labour Party and Conservative Party drug policy reform expert panels and is a permanent member of the ACMD Technical Standing Committee and NPS Standing Committee. She has been a member of DrugScience since its inception in 2010.
Fiona is co-founder and co-director of the Loop (established in the UK 2013 and in Australia 2018), non-profit organisations providing advice, information and harm reduction services to reduce drug and alcohol-related harm and promote health and wellbeing in festival and nightlife venues. The Loop is best known for introducing Multi Agency Safety Testing (‘drug checking’) to the UK in 2016.
More Infos: Website „The Loop“