Ella Overkleeft
Trans Europe Halles | Club Health Conference (Amsterdam) | former Night Mayor Amsterdam | Amsterdam [NL]
Ella Overkleeft has just recently begun to work as a coordinator of the Taskforce Art & Culture Sloterdijken for Trans Europe Halles (TEH), a Europe-based network of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists. The Sloterdijken area is the last yet to be developed area of Amsterdam. Close to the harbour with a lot of heavy industries still, this huge piece of land will become a totally new part of Amsterdam in the upcoming 10-20 years. Together with a group of creative entrepreneurs, project developers and the municipality, the aim is to integrate art and culture within this area from the beginning. For a solid foundation on which the urban development can take place. Ella is also organiser the „Club Health Conference“ in Amsterdam and member of the program committee. In 2018 she founded the platform „No Sheep Allowed“ (NSA) that organizes actions in public space to address social issues. Ella was from 2014 to 2018 the Night Mayor of Amsterdam.