Cristiana Vale Pires
Kosmicare association | "Sexism-free Nights" | Porto [PT]
Cristiana is graduated in Psychology and holds a Master degree and PhD in Anthropology. She has relevant experience in implementing harm reduction responses targeting people who use drugs in nightlife environments and was involved in the implementation and coordination of national and EU projects related with heavy episodic drinking, New Psychoactive Substances, harm reduction and nightlife. She has been researching, since 2014, the intersections between sexual violence, drug use and nightlife environments. In her Postdoc researcher at FEP-UCP she designed, implemented and evaluated the community-based project Sexism Free Night. Currently, she is a member of Kosmicare Association where she coordinated a harm reduction team at Lisbon, and works on topics related with nightlife governance, gender perspectives on nightlife and drug use, sex and consent. She is also a researcher on CRIA and CEDH.