Soirée Des Voyageur IV – Psychedelic Experiences

IV. Soirée Des Voyageurs :: LE TRIP DES VOYAGEURS

This salon-style event is organized by the Safer Nightlife Berlin/sonar team and is going to take place for the 4th time already. The current event within the side program of the Stadt Nach Acht conference focuses on psychedelic substances which seems to have a renaissance these days. In a more entertaining but still very grounded atmosphere, we are trying to interconnect personal experiences after the consumption of psychedelic substances for pleasure with questions and methods of a therapeutical use. Still, there is also a quite risky side with several short- and long-term effects. How efficient and/ or dangerous is micro-dosing? What valuable and life-changing potential is endangered by self-declared shamans who are surfing on top of a rising wave of psychedelic desires amongst urban intellectuals willing to increase their personal abilities? How much potential is seen in the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances and when will we find a balanced approach to it?

In 2019 SONAR – Safer Nightlife Berlin organizes four evening events on healthy nightlife. Our 4th „Soirée des Voyageurs“ takes place on November 28 from 19:30 at YAAM.

After the introductory talk by Torsten Passie ( and Tomislav Majić (Charité) and a brief address by
Galia Tanay, we will discuss the use of psychedelics in leisure time and therapy: motives, experiences, risks, and safer use. At the adjoining salon, we will have an opportunity for a casual exchange.

All Soirée guests are invited to join Acid Dub Foundation’s concert @YAAM afterwards free of charge.

IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND THE SOIRÉE, PLEASE SEND US YOUR CARD REQUEST TO SOIREE@SAFER-NIGHTLIFE.BERLIN! You might ask also for a reservation at sonar info stand in the info area @ Yaam main stage. Get your reservation soon as guestlist is limited and usually highly requested!


7:30 pm :: Reception

8:15 pm :: Introductory Talk :: Experiences with Psychedelics: History – Benefits – Risks
_Prof. Dr. med. Torsten Passie M.A. (phil.)
_Dr. med. Tomislav Majić

9:00 pm :: Short address :: The Practice of Psychedelics – Spiritual, Therapeutic and Ritualistic Perspectives
_Galia Tanay

9:15 pm Panel discussion: Psychedelics today – what do we (need to) know? with
_Torsten Passie | Apl. Professor Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Visiting Scientist Dr. Senckenbergisches Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main,
_Tomislav Majić | Ambulanz psychoaktive Substanzen, Charité Berlin
_Galia Tanay | University of Haifa
_Manuela Schulz | sonar / Safer Nightlife Berlin

10:00 pm :: Salon

11:00 pm concert ACID DUB FOUNDATION


Rüdiger Schmolke | sonar / Safer Nightlife Berlin, Chillout Potsdam, Stadt Nach Acht
Andrea Piest | sonar / Safer Nightlife Berlin, Notdienst Berlin


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